Hi everyone, its CASE Study time again and the last week of Silke Ledlow as the muse. On a personal note; I am back from my trip to Orlando/Disney World, I had the best time… [Continue Reading]
Archives for April 2011
CASE Study Challenge 36
I was so proud of myself to have my CASE Study cards made before I went on holidays, its week 36 of CASE Study and the third week of Silke Ledlow as the muse. I… [Continue Reading]
A gift for Linda
I popped in yesterday to say hi however I never came back after my swim, I can’t believe I have only a few days left on my trip then the LONG flight home. Being the… [Continue Reading]
Hi y'all…….
Just checking in from my holiday in Amercia, I am having a great time…. my poor little big feet are not having such a great time however with all the walking around Disney World and… [Continue Reading]
CASE Study Challenge 35
As this post goes live I will be just boarding a plane to San Francisco then on to Orlando for a holiday of a life time with my Mum, Sister and two little nieces….. the… [Continue Reading]
CASE Study Challenge 34
This is coming a little later then planned however finally able to get online and share my card for this weeks CASE Study and also tell you who the April Muse is…… Silke Ledlow, she… [Continue Reading]