Pure Craziness! It is the last day of June, were has 2012 gone…. I hope you agree it has gone extra fast, anyway today is the LAST day to get a reason to smile for FREE… [Continue Reading]
Archives for June 2012
CASE Study 95
Put your hands up if you are LOVING this short week its Thursday already {Ca BOOM}, the only down side was I spent my Queens Birthday public holiday feeling very “icky” thanks to a lovely… [Continue Reading]
The Sky’s the Limit
No journey is long, when dreams are big and sky is the limit. We should aim high in life, but remain contented with what we have and what we are. -Unknown Words that… [Continue Reading]
CASE Study 94
It is time for a new muse over at CASE Study, please welcome…. Joy Taylor to the floor! Joy is our June muse so we have four wonderful installments for Joys creative master works for us to take… [Continue Reading]
Post Convention {Swap}
I just can’t believe Stampin’ Up! Convention is done for another year! This year I was just that little bit more excited then previous years as I had 5 of my team members joining me, I have a little yet absolutely fabulous team… [Continue Reading]
A Reason to Smile Promotion
What better reason to smile than…FREE STAMPS! That’s what you can get this month with a $125 purchase. You’ll smile during June with the exclusive Reason to Smile set-only available during this special offer! Get it… [Continue Reading]
We {Heart} Our Hostess
June and July are the perfect months to host a craftly Party, what could be better than gathering with friends on a winter’s afternoon or evening to stamp and chat? You provide the snacks,… [Continue Reading]