I just can’t believe Stampin’ Up! Convention is done for another year! This year I was just that little bit more excited then previous years as I had 5 of my team members joining me, I have a little yet absolutely fabulous team which I call “INKspired” I had the most wonderful time listening to motivating speeches, learning ways to grow my business and best of all watching talented demonstrators stamp on stage share tips and tricks. Having my girls with me made it just so much better, I look at the relationships I have formed since I joined Stampin’ Up! in 2006 not only with my team but fellow demos, one of my closest friends I met thought Stampin’ Up! and over the years she has seen me through so major stuff and I love her to bits, most people know who I am talking about my little buddy Marelle Taylor.
Joining Stampin’ Up! and sharing what I love has un-knowly effected others, this year I was completly blown away by the volume of people that very sweetly spoke to me about my work and this blog, about how they look forward to what I have made next, some telling me they check everyday just in case I have updated and they used words like inspiring, amazing and beautiful to describle my cards, words that I don’t put to my work, like most creative people I am my toughest judge. I must thank everyone that spoke with I am so very touched by the lovely comments, on Friday night I was not feeling very well and was leaving early I had the most lovely lady come up to me as I was walking out with my Mum {who is part of my team} and this lady told me how inspiring was work was and just I cried, they were the same words that other had said but having my Mum hear them let me really taken them in and for that moment I was kind of proud of myself. Thank you to everyone that I spoke with your words mean so much, at times when I post on my blog and don’t really receive any comments I wonder if anyone is reading this besides my Mum and friends! But I must have a few more then I thought checking my cards and subject to my poor grammar which the not so occasional miss-spelt word.
I am… was the them of this years convention, in the opening address Shelli Gardner the inspiring CEO and founder of Stampin’ Up! said her I am was “grateful”, I had a few I am’s enter my mind as Shelli spoke and asked us to think about our I am… I have come home from convention and had still not settled on a I am… however as I type this blog post I think I have found my I am… I am thankful, thankful that I found something I love to do and I do well, I am thankful I have a lovely family and wonderful friends, I am thankful I have happy memories to always cherish and thankful I am here today!
I went into convention all prepared to blog and update on my facebook, I had my iPad and brand new iPhone all ready to go! On the first day I updated a few times….then…. it stopped! I just got so caught up talking and have a great time! I forgot… I am finally here with my swap card for the convention…. I made about 30 of them I had 15 put away for my team, some of Marelle’s team and close friends that I always swap with, so I have 15 to swap with other demos. I love swapping and meeting new demos, looking at their colour combos and clever ideas they have come up with, I am always blown away but the talent within the Stampin’ Up! Family.
My swap is a little boring but I don’t mind it, if you have not noticed I LOVE butterflies and I pretty much always use a butterfly image for all my swaps, I have used Blushing Bride which I totally LOVE with Very Vanilla and Crumb Cake, I love the greeting “Kindness Matters” I think this is something one should always remember no matter the size of the action every slice of kindness helps someone! I used a Blushing Bride Marker to omit the border from the medium side label stamp from Apothecary Art then cut it out with the label framelit. Ribbon is one of my favorite products and I rarely make a card with out some ribbon or at least twine, I am kind of loving the layered lace, plated ribbon and twine looped and bowed around the card.
Materials used are no surprise all from Stampin’ Up!
Stamps: Kindness Matters {Pg 71, Clear $17.95 and Wood $22.95}
Apothecary Art {Pg 19 of the Autumn Winter Mini, Clear $50.95 and Wood 63.95}
Cardstock: Blushing Bride, Crumb Cake and Very Vanilla
Printed Paper: First Edition {Pg 127, 24 sheets of 12” double sided paper}
Ribbon: Victoria Crochet Trim {Pg 138, $13.95} and Blushing Bride Pleated Satin Ribbon {Pg 12 of the Autumn Winter Mini, $13.95}
Framelits: Labels Collection {Pg 9 of the Autumn Winter Mini, $49.95}
Far from boring Teneale, this card was stunning! I am so happy that I got to meet you at Convention and tell you how much I admire your beautiful work. I am so grateful that you share your creativity and inspire me! XXmaz
Gorgeous Teneale, so sad I missed convention and swapping with you this year! Your cards always inspire me!! So glad you enjoyed convention! Hope you can make it next year so we can catch up:-) xx
Love your card, it’s just gorgeous & I’m not a ‘pink’ person! Thanks for sharing your talents
I am … finally going to put a comment on your blog! I check your blog regularly for a dose of inspiration. Your cards are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
Another amazing card. So glad I got to chat to you even though it was only a short time but I have my photo of you and I…..it’s special as I only had two photo’s taken at convention, one with you and one with my roomie Fiona. We love you and your work :):):)
Teneale Williams your humble attitude always blows me away. You have more talent in your little finger that I have in my whole body! You are one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met and I was sad to have missed seeing you this year at convention. I am thankful to have ever met you. You’re gorgeous. Love your work, love the way you roll, love you. xoxoxo mwah
I don’t think I’d call any of your creations (and that’s what they are!) boring! Beautiful perhaps! Soothing…gorgeous…well, you get it! 🙂 Glad you had such a great time.
Teneale….you have such a special gift…not only for creating stunning cards, but to inspire others and touch people with your grace and goodwill! You were so incredibly lovely to me at Convention…I’d only just met you…and there you were with a beautiful hug and some kind words when I’d lost my camera….you are indeed a beautiful person!! LOVING this card btw….you have an amazing eye for detail and design. xxxxx
This IS gorgeous, and your work IS inspiring! Glad you shared your thoughts….keep up the good stamping!♥
Hi Teneale. I love love love your work. I was hoping to meet you at convention but missed you! It’s funny I just posted on my own blog about how grateful I am for the friendships I’ve made since joining Stampin Up! My first convention was amazing and I was touched and inspired by the talented and wonderful people I met! As I sat at dinner on Saturday night, I looked around the room and realised that Stampin’ Up! (warning warning…corny alert) has really helped me to finally be…well…me. I don’t know why or how but I feel more true to myself now than any other time in my life and am incredibly thankful. Love your work and hope to meet you sometime in the future. Cheers Tania XXXX
I love your blog! You make Great cards and I check it everyday!
I hope this isn’t the card you are calling boring! It’s gorgeous! I saw it on your Facebook post and had to come see it. You are such an inspiration and always make the most gorgeous creations. I know for me, you are my favorite stamper and one I always LOVE to see new work from! I was never able to make a decent bow until they shared your method at the US Convention last year. 🙂 Big Hugs!
I LOVE all of your creations, Teneale! Oh how I love them. I have your blog on my google reader and love it when I have a new post from you to read. I just had to stop by and tell you that I love your work and know there are many more like me…who don’t always come by to tell you so. Hugs!
Teneale your cards are FABULOUSLY inspiring & I am another who checks every day to see if you’ve updated. I learned about your blog from a demo last year & have told others about your blog. I absolutely love your style. So know that you have plenty of admiring lurkers all over the world I imagine. I’m in California, USA.
Hello Teneale,
Your work is just beautiful and always looks wonderful. I was also hoping to say hello at convention but didn’t get to. I also check your blog regularly but never leave a comment – I will try to do so from now on so you know that we are here! Patricia
Hi Teneale,
I have to say I am a Teneale groupie! I constantly check your blog for your latest creation, read the comments and secretly wish for the talent you have. I saw you on stage last year doing a Wow presentation (I can now tie the perfect bow!) and saw you again this year and wanted to hug you for inspiring me so many times but shyly admired you from afar.
I look forward to more of your posts but please never call your work boring…it is far from it! A friend of a friend told me you have been unwell, if this is so I wish you well and happiness.
Hi, Teneale
You are a very talented stamper and seeing your new creations on your blog always put a smile in my day. I really enjoy your intricate work and attention to details and I am thrilled that you are willing to take time to blog since I live so far away and wouldn’t get to enjoy your work otherwise. I wish I could have met you at convention to let you know all of this in person, but I guess a post is a good alternative.
I got to experience going to a Regional event with my mom last year when she briefly signed up when we got a promo on the Starter Kit. She didn’t remain active, but I was so grateful that we had a local event while she was and that I could share my Stampin’ Up! world with her. She met part of my team and some of the SU! staff and just like you were describing, I was happy that she got to see me in my element and the reaction I got from others. I’m sure your mom was really proud of you and happy to see the reaction you inspired from others.
I was lucky enough to meet you on wednesday night & I was lucky enough to be able to swap with you! You are such an inspiration, I check your blog more than I update my own! I love your style- just everything you do- keep up the fantastic work!
Hi Tenneale, I am one of those people that checks your block every day to see if you have posted any new cards. Your are my favorite stamper I just love your cards. I saw you at convention and you probably caught my eye a few times, however I was not game to introduce myself as I feel your work is so more superior than mine. I wasn’t game to ask for a swap.
Keep the beautiful cards coming as they are an absolute joy to see. You truly are talented.
Hi Teneale – this year was my first ever Convention, and you were one of the first people I saw when I arrived on Thursday afternoon at the Convention Centre – but I was too shy to come over and tell you how much I love your work. After reading this post though, I felt I had to leave you a comment to let you know that, along with me, there are probably hundreds of people out there who regularly follow your blog and find your work totally inspiring! I’m glad you enjoyed Convention – I loved it and hope to be at the Brisbane one next year. In the meantime…please keep the magic creations flowing from your craft room!
I just had a little tear to my eye reading this Teneale!!! You are amazing…I know at times we are our own worst critics but never doubt your fabulous talent. From anyone I hear from that has met you, you are a beautiful and giving person as well…never be in doubt of that. I enjoy popping and and grabbing inspiration all the time I love your work Teneale. thanks for brightening my day each time i pop in!!!